Dear clients!
Due to the switch to summer time in USA 12-13 March, 2022 trade hours for some instruments are subject to change.
- DOWJONES30, NASDAQ100, S&P500: 00:05-22:15 and 22:30-23:00
- RUSSELL2000: 00:05-23:00
- TNOTE: 00:35-23:00
- SUGAR: 10:30-19:00
- COTTON: 08:30-20:20
- COFFEE: 11:15-19:30
- COCOA: 11:45-19:30
- WHEAT, CORN, SOYBEAN: 02:05-14:45 and 15:35-20:00
- NGAS: 00:00-23:00
- VIX: 00:00-22:15
- WTI: 00:05-23:00
- DXY: 02:00-23:00
- Stocks CFD, ETF CFD US – 15:30-22:00
- The forex instruments are traded as usual
All hours in EET.
Please note that this schedule is introductory and may be changed.