Chart of price change EUR/SEK

Currency pair EURSEK shows the exchange rate of the euro against the Swedish krona. In the market Forex this currency pair is considered exotic therefore, it is not very widespread. Nevertheless, the Swedish krona is considered rather widespread currency among investors, and it is possible to earn on the features of this trading instrument. Also, currency pair of EURSEK possesses high volatility.

The economic and political situation of the European Union and Sweden has a special impact on a currency pair EURSEK. Today Sweden is an economically developed country which is ahead on the amount of the issued industrial output of its neighbors: Norway, Finland and Denmark.

In the territory of Sweden are found large amounts of minerals, and also, the country is provided with resources of wood and large hydro energy resources. Sweden is the largest supplier of iron, steel and paper. The country is rather developed economically, but also is dependent on the amounts of the exported production. Change of world oil and gas prices has a serious impact on Sweden economy that influences the cost of the Swedish krona.

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