CopyFX MT4 Signals

Signals for real Forex accounts
In the section Signals, you will find the Rating of trading signals, which is provided in the CopyFx system. Choosing the trading signals the user should pay attention to the traders rating and his trading history. The higher rating trading signals have, the more trustworthy the trader is. The rating is based on the different characteristics such as the general profit amount, the trading experience of the trader on the real account and many others.
Profitability in
Trading days
Balance, USD
1 XtradeInvestment
#22487196 CopyFx MT4 Pro 2
21515.99 2151.59 3.38 -3.38% 560 634406.65 USD   17 38
2 XtradeInvestment
#21494756 CopyFx MT4 Pro
16775.84 1677.58 3.86 -3.63% 326 436404.58 USD   17 4
3 ActInvest
#23124105 CopyFx MT4 Pro 3
8995.52 899.55 9.53 -6.97% 1122 104450.76 USD 100 30 1
4 WinnersCornerClub
#72161625 CopyFx MT4 ECN
4954.60 495.46 53.22 -51.90% 22 10674.38 USD 21 2  
5 GoldScalpingVIP
#25217127 CopyFx MT4 Pro 5
4267.85 426.78 197.34 -14.53%   446.87 EUR 9   1
6 ToMoon
#33168370 CopyFx MT4 ProCent 3
4058.64 405.86 257.74 -19.51% 31 501.19 USD 13 4 1
7 Hormiga
#75010961 CopyFx MT4 ECN 3
4029.44 402.94 15.80 -14.44% 303 26571.58 EUR 212   163
#21480125 CopyFx MT4 Pro
3494.40 349.44 3.91 -3.96% 447 90100.44 USD   18 19
9 moneymakerx
#75026131 CopyFx MT4 ECN 3
3475.08 347.50 49.97 -33.25% 204 10257.57 EUR 8   1
10 MillionPro
#26036694 CopyFx MT4 Pro 6
3292.03 329.20 87.33 -52.42% 107 6523.81 EUR 21    
#26091773 CopyFx MT4 Pro 6
3105.39 310.53 71.28 -18.51% 9 7461.75 USD 28   4
12 BlockRock
#72163589 CopyFx MT4 ECN
3069.74 306.97 81.72 -65.77% 8 7605.90 USD 41 9  
13 PainKiller
#74099281 CopyFx MT4 ECN 2
2882.34 288.23 3.65 -15.89% 713 90380.35 USD 1 1 140
14 kac4zor
#73004578 CopyFx MT4 Prime
2739.09 273.90 25.13 -19.73% 346 13834.72 USD 45 4 2
15 vonLoewenstein
#74148508 CopyFx MT4 ECN 2
2582.98 258.29 6.31 -2.61% 108 43587.38 USD 318   13
16 EryCapital
#22633533 CopyFx MT4 Pro 2
2425.02 242.50 4.79 -5.78% 410 53619.12 USD 15 7 10
17 CatRombo
#22635509 CopyFx MT4 Pro 2
2388.61 238.86 13.92 -52.66% 409 30114.58 EUR 2 8 16
#26085449 CopyFx MT4 Pro 6
2378.81 237.88 239.27 -40.35% 16 3121.06 EUR 28   137
19 FXAutoS
#34123754 CopyFx MT4 ProCent 4
2259.82 225.98 51.86 -48.91% 526 8049.11 USD 23 28 203
20 AC21AI
#24045627 CopyFx MT4 Pro 4
2213.37 221.33 12.88 -66.03% 151 37000.57 EUR 3 5 1

What Are the Signals?

Signals are the trading orders on buying or selling of a financial asset in the current period. Trading signals are formed by the trader who is trading on his own account. Trading orders can be generated by the trading robot or advisor, using the algorithm created on the basis of the trading strategy of the trader. The trader can offer the trading signals for the certain fee attached to the signal subscription period, the percent of the gained income or at the fixed rate for each transaction copied from the trader.

Traders who decided to provide their signals should register on the CopyFx system and after an elimination period will enter in the base. On the basis of the existing offers the Rating of trading signals is formed and investor processing demo or real account can subscribe to these signals. The CopyFX trading signals Rating on GuruTrade are available to all users in the fullest measure.

Subscription: Investments Into Signals

Subscription to the Traders' signals is one of the perspective investment types in the Forex market, that does not require special knowledge in trading and it is available to any investor with minimum trading experience. To connect the transaction, automatic copying system, the investor just has to open a real or demo account. After that, he will have the opportunity to choose the trading signals provider for subscribing and to set trading parameters.

You can subscribe to the trading signals from the site GuruTrade, or in the MT4 terminal if you want to use the signal service it is necessary to register an account in the CopyFX system and to have enough money at the account to pay the service. Choose the successful Trader from the Rating analyzing his trading operation history and subscribe to his trading signals to receive profit with the minimum risks.

Trading Signals

The Rating is oriented to analyze trading signals and to search the best of them. This section provides to the users access to the trading signals catalog, created on the basis of the Traders submitted offers.

Choosing the trading signals provider, it is necessary to pay attention to his trading operations in history. Steady profitable indicators of the Trader and the earning capacity of his trading strategy during the previous periods help to consider that the subscription to his trading signals is an optimal suggestion for the Investor.

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