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    Feedback management service «Reviews and suggestions»

    Dear visitors!

    Today we’d like to announce the launch of the feedback management service «Reviews and suggestions». The shortcut of this feedback form can now be seen on the left border on all pages of our site. This option is designed to contribute the growth of the effective traders’ communication both with the GuruTrade representatives and with other users of our site.

    From now on visitors of our resource will be able to suggest ideas, ask a question or report problems straight to the Website Administration. The launched system allows users to manage their suggestions and ideas regarding current events on the project.

    The main goal of the GuruTrade feedback management service is to arrange a prompt and effective dialog with our users. Ideas on modernization, reports on found problems and errors, questions and thanks – GuruTrade’s developers and technical personnel tried to take into consideration all those main reviews’ types. In just a moment you can send any message without leaving our site’s pages!

    GuruTrade’s feedback management service will help us mark the priorities in obtaining of really important messages from the visitors of our project. It should be added that English version of the GuruTrade’s feedback management service will be launched in the nearest future.
    We do hope to please you and get a lot of good emotions in our, as we believe, positive and fruitful communication!

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